Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Addyson's 1st Day at Early Preschool!

Well, this morning was an emotional one in the Jones Household! Today...I sent my baby girl off for her first day of Early Preschool. To be fair, Early Preschool is a daycare program with a heavy emphasis on education. There is LOTS of playing too...but everything is centered around learning.

We decided to put Addyson in daycare for 2 days a week so she could gain socialization skills with kids her own age...AND to give her a chance to have 2 days a week where she can get out of the house and do something fun! It wasn't an easy decision for me...although I do have to admit that being 20 weeks pregnant and having two days a week to get stuff done without toting around a 2 year old was sort of intriguing. HAHA.

When I woke up this morning I was chatting with my little girl...and I thought I would share how the conversation went. Hope you guys get as big of a kick out of it as Adam and I did.

Me: "Addy, do you want to go to school today or stay home with mommy?"
Addy: "I big girl now, I go to school. Its ok, mommy" as she pats me on the shoulder.
Me: "Ok, well I will miss you today! But, you are going to have SO much fun playing with the other kids!"
Addy: "I wub you momma"

We then proceeded to go about getting her dressed for school...and she decided that SHE was going to pick out her clothes...She did very well I might add...She decided to wear her OSU jersey, jeans and her sneakers. (I was QUITE impressed). Then she helped me pack up her Dora backpack...and asked me to give her a "piggy". (pigtails) As I was doing her hair she kept impatiently kept asking me if she "go bye bye now"...and then waited by the door for her Daddy to "huwwy".

I walked the two loves of my life out to the car...and Addyson gave me a big sloppy kiss and said, "See later!" (As I am tearing up) Adam called me 20 minutes later letting me know that when she got there she ran into her classroom, turned around...gave him a hug...and then was gone! Good to know that she isn't shy! :)

Needless to say I am lost with all the quiet today! Its been 3 hours since she left and I have gotten just about everything on my to-do list done...so I guess I will go ahead and rest as the doctor has ordered.

I can't imagine sending her off to school 5 days a week! I think it might kill me!

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