Friday, November 26, 2010

A Small Step Forward

About 2 weeks ago, I began seeing Dr. Evans at Stillwater Family Care.  Before my appointment I plead with Adam to go with me...stressing the importance of him being there.  We walked into the appointment armed with a typed/printed list of every symptom I have suffered over the past 6 years...and were fully prepared to hear the same explanations we have heard before.  To both of our surprise...Dr. Evans listened quietly then asked questions that no one had asked before.  He took my hand as I began to tear up (out of frustration over the past 6 years) and looked me in the eyes and said, "Its obvious SOMETHING is going on...and I am going to do everything I can to figure it just hang in there."

I left that appointment with an order for blood work and an MRI of my brain.  For the first time, in SO long, Adam and I actually felt like we were on the road to being given answers.

After having 9 vials of blood drawn, and being injected with contrast for an MRI of my brain.  I got a phone call from Rachel, Dr. Evans nurse.  She let me know that my blood work only revealed an overactive thyroid, and to go ahead and KEEP my follow up appointment the following day.  I hung up just knowing that I again...was going to be brushed off....since obviously my lab work was pretty much saying that nothing was wrong.

When I went to my follow up appointment...I walked in...stepped on the scale...and to my surprise...had lost yet another 2lbs.  (NOT GOOD!!!)  My temperature was taken...and of course was normal (when I have been running a low grade fever almost constantly).  She took my blood pressure...again normal...and my blood oxygen (which was a little low...but I have been battling a cold).  When Dr. Evans came in...he quietly asked how I was feeling to which I replied..."Honestly...just as bad as I did before."  He pulled up a chair...and went over my labs with me...explaining the results in detail.  Then...asked more questions.  He suggested I go on thyroid medication and recheck everything in 1 month.  He also let me know that he doesn't think my thyroid is what is causing everything...and that we will get it figured out.  He is not ruling out auto-immune disorders or fibromyalgia.

I cannot express how blessed I feel right now.  Despite the fact that we don't have all the answers yet...atleast I have medical insurance and someone listening to me now!  I am truly blessed that we have ruled out most life threatening illness'.  God is good....All the time....even when I don't know how things could get any worse...he shows me a glimpse of his grace and mercy.