Monday, November 23, 2009

A Visit to Labor and Delivery

Well, I thought I would an update is MUCH needed.

We picked up Addyson on Friday night from Abilene and stayed the night in a hotel (there was no way Adam OR I could turn around and drive back 6 hours at 11pm!) When we got there to pick her up she started giggling uncontrollably and was on the floor with her hands over her eyes! LOL. It was so cute! We had a good trip was long and very uncomfortable for me...and very cramped for poor Addyson. My mom went a little crazy on her shopping trips with Addy...and also sent us back with Christmas our little Toyota Camry was quite full! Just confirmed to Adam and I that we DEFINITELY need a bigger car after Annslie gets here! LOL.

Yesterday, Adam unfortunately had to work for 6 hours in a town about 30 minutes away. Addyson was SO cooperative the first half of the morning...but after nap time it was a different story. My poor little girl was no doubt TIRED of being cooped up in the house...confined to mommy and daddy's bedroom...and she definitely let me know! I was already in quite a bit of pain...and having pretty regular contractions (7-8 minutes apart) so....being up and down chasing around a toddler was definitely not easy! Around 5, I noticed that something was a little different and talked to my mom about it. She encouraged me to call my doctor and see what he said. Sure enough, my doctor wanted me to come in to L&D for monitoring. Obviously, I needed to wait until my hubby came I actually didn't get up to the hospital until 7!

When I got to the hospital they checked my cervix first...and thank the Lord...I hadn't dilated any further, however, I was 30-40% effaced. The nurse thought she felt my bag of water bulging from my she had another nurse come in and check me. The second nurse felt something odd too...but wasn't convinced it was my bag of water. I was hooked up to monitors to track contractions and Annslie's heartrate. Annslie looked great! However, we soon found out that I was having contractions 1-2 minutes apart and lasting for 1 minute! Many of my contractions were peaking pretty high. Definitely a diagnosis of preterm labor. I am happy to report though...that I used breathing techniques through many of the hard contractions...and managed to make it through them! My doctor decided to give me a shot of Demmorall w/Phenergan to try and bring the contractions down...and also help with the pain. Unfortunately, the contractions kept on coming in the same pattern. SO...the dreaded Breathine was brought out! :( I just have to mention that this medication makes you feel HORRIBLE. Really shaky, heart racing...etc. I had a dose...and within about 15 minutes my contractions were only lasting 20 seconds and weren't as intense. However, I was still having them 1-2 minutes apart. The nurse checked me again, and luckily...I was still at the same dilation...but it appeared that my cervix had thinned out even further.

I was sent home and had to go in today for a cervical ultrasound to make sure my cervix hadn't shortened any. Unfortunately, it has. Ideally they would like your cervix to be between 3-5 cm. Mine was 2.92. LUCKILY it wasn't too short. I am waiting on one more test tomorrow before we know where we go from here. Adam and I are prepared for strict bedrest...but are still trying to figure out the details! Bedrest is a completely different story when you already have a kiddo!

On a positive note...Annslie weighs 3lbs 4 oz. :) She looks VERY healthy. Now...we just need to keep her cooking for ATLEAST 4 1/2 more weeks!

Thank you for all the prayers! I am still having really strong contractions that I am timing at 6-7 minutes apart (however...its apparent that I am not feeling all of them!) and just that process is exhausting and painful. All completely worth it for the end result!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stricter Bedrest

Well, I had a Dr's appointment yesterday...and unfortunately the news wasn't GREAT. Oh...Annslie is healthy and moving right along...and I seem to be healthy on most fronts. My weight gain is good, my blood pressure is good, Annslie is measuring right on target. However, after telling them about my symptoms the doctor decided to check me...and sure enough I am dilated to a 1 1/2 almost 2. So....stricter bedrest it is.

I must say at this point in my pregnancy it is getting harder and harder to stay positive and upbeat. I am really trying to remind myself of the great blessing I am being given.

Please be in prayer for my we face this difficult time of working through me being on bedrest, dealing with a 2 year old...etc.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting Closer!!!

I promised I would keep up with this...and here I am 4 weeks after my last post...sorry about that!

Well, Addyson has been gone for 2 weeks now...and I miss my baby girl so much! My parents came up from San Antonio and picked her up when I found out I had the dreaded H1N1! I am so thankful for my family...Adam's mom and step dad brought over face masks and called and checked on me every day...which meant SO much! My parents took time off work to come up and get Addyson...and rearranged their schedules. I feel truly blessed to have such great family! It sounds like Addy is having a blast! Although I can't WAIT for her to come home!!

Adam got a seasonal job as a Brand Ambassador for Kodak! Its a great opportunity for him! It is a marketing type job and is going to look awesome on his resume! A couple of other opportunities have already presented themselves through this we feel very fortunate! Its keeping him away from home quite a bit though...between work and school he is rarely home...but I feel truly blessed that my husband makes such sacrifices for his family!

The pregnancy is going okay. I am SO ready to be done! The contractions are getting more and more intense...and there are days that I have a hard time even getting out of bed. However, it will ALL be worth it in the end! I just keep telling Annslie that she needs to wait ATLEAST another 6-7 weeks! :) I will know more about how everything is progressing on Wednesday. We are just hoping that she is continuing to be healthy...and that regardless of how intense the contractions are...its not causing any changes as to whether she is trying to come early! Bedrest is getting harder to handle. I find myself getting down because there is so much to do...and increasingly less time to do it in. I know it will all come together...and I have some awesome friends and family who have offered their help! I may just end up taking them up on it! :)

I will try and update more later when I find out how things are going on Wednesday!