Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Raising a Girl

Adam received a book for Christmas from his grandmother called "Father to Daughter" Life Lessons on Raising a Girl. The very first entry really touched us. I thought I would share it with you.
Raising a girl takes two parents:
A Mom to show her how to be a woman.
A dad to show her how to be independent.
A dad's job is to make his daughter courageous. Fearless. To make her feel beautiful. To give her a sense of adventure. To make her feel secure and confident.
The relationship between a dad and a daughter is very simple. She will love her father and
trust him completely, forever.
Because he's her first love. Her first hero. The first man in her life.

The book is filled with great advice for raising little girls. Starting in infancy and leading up until the day they are married. As a mother it is incredibly amazing to watch the bond that my daughter and her father have together. There is nothing sweeter to watch.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Terrible 2's!

Generally we do not have pictures of Addyson made professionally...the cost involved is just a little too much for our budgeted family right now...and with a digital camera and email we have found that most friends and family are completely satisfied. :) However, this year we decided to go ahead and get some pictures made for Christmas cards...since this is the last Christmas that Addy will be an only child.

I thought everyone would get a kick out of how the photo session turned out! Gotta love those terrible 2's!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Its Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

I have been letting this blog slide...and in all honesty...I can't say its because I don't have the time! LOL!

I had my 32 week appointment this past Wednesday...and am happy to report that Annslie is healthy! She looks like she weighs about 4lbs right now! We are expecting that sometime around January 18th is when I will be induced. I have dilated a bit further, but not much. So...continued bedrest is vital. The doctor WAS considering taking me off bedrest at 34 weeks, but he has since changed his mind and says that I can come off at 36 weeks. Which means I will be getting off bedrest RIGHT before Christmas! YAY!

Addyson is growing up entirely too quickly. She has been SUCH a good girl this past week. Adam's work/school schedule have kept him REALLY busy...and she has adjusted to hanging out in bed with momma really well! I put together a box full of her favorite toys and movies, crayons, coloring books, etc. Each morning we pack up a cooler with drinks, snacks, and lunch which has been SO helpful! Also, she has a Dora couch that folds out...and we just stick that up on my bed with her pillow and her Dora blanket...and her and I hang out and watch Playhouse Disney, Nick Jr., or a good kids movie. We have been enjoying coloring, etc. :) It is really nice because her and I are getting some one-on-one time before Annslie arrives!

Yesterday, Addyson and I were talking about how her "Noni" (my mom) is going to be coming when Annslie is ready to "come out of momma's belly". At nap time she was crying for her Noni and I said, "She will be here when Annslie comes out." Addy lifted up my shirt and said, "Come out now baby!" It was SO cute! She switches between not acknowledging that their is even a baby coming, being excited, and being very unhappy. All very normal I am sure.

Adam is wrapping up yet another semester of school! It looks like my Mr. Smarty Pants will be getting 3 A's and 2 B's. He also just got his acceptance letter for the Business Minor in Entrepreneurship program. I wasn't aware that deciding on a minor was such a competitive area. I was under the impression you just declared a minor, and then moved forward with the necessary requirements. However, apparently the program is very competitive and has very high requirements! I am very very proud of him! He has worked really hard to come back from his first time in college! Next semester he is taking another 15 hours...and they all appear extremely difficult to me! I can't believe he is taking on that much...and we are having a new baby! However, he has always done well under pressure...and I am sure this semester will be no different! Adam also has been working for a company called Mosaic. The best way to describe his job is this: You know how when you go into a store there will be reps for other companies? Well, Adam is a rep for Kodak. He works in the local Wal-Mart and Staples stores and is basically there to answer questions people may have about any Kodak products. He is only working part-time, however the pay is really awesome! The other upside to this job is that it looks awesome on his resume. Right now we are trying to focus on how to get him some managerial experience prior to graduation. Also, we are starting to research grad-school programs. We are in that final 2 year stretch of school...and are both really looking forward to him obtaining his degree!

Adam really deserves some kind of medal for "amazing hubby of the year". He has been so supportive during this difficult pregnancy...and while it has been tough on me physically and emotionally, it has been just as much so on him. Between school, work, childcare duties, housecleaning duties, etc...he has been running himself ragged. I am really looking forward to taking back over once Annslie arrives. I have also learned a lot about letting go of control. My house is not even near what I consider to be presentable...yet...in the grand scheme of things...it doesn't really matter.

Please continue to be in prayer for our family as we head into the next phase of life! 2 kiddo's under 3, dad who is a full time student, and a mommy trying to adjust to it all! We are really excited to see what the New Year holds for us!


Adam, Rachel, Addyson & Annslie!