Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kids Say The Darnest Things...So I am Learning to Watch My Mouth!

When a child learns to speak...many times you hear some HILARIOUS things...and many a time you hear something that makes you cringe...because you know that the only place they could have heard such a thing is coming from their parents mouths....

I must admit...some of the words that come from my mouth really have NO use in the English language. I could put some sailors to shame when I am angry...and since having Addyson...Adam has had to constantly remind me to watch my mouth. (I say this with quite a bit of embarrassment). Well...nothing will catch your attention quite like hearing your 2 1/2 year old daughter repeat some of those "choice" words. Its sort of hard to explain to your little girl that she can't say those things...and that mommy shouldn't be saying them either!

Then again...some times you can't help but roll on the floor laughing at the things that come out of your kids mouth! Here is a couple examples just heard in the past couple days.

  • "Cow eats our money when we buy milk" (lol...she knows milk comes from cows...and I told her the other day that milk is getting really expensive)

  • Me: "Are you a baby?" Addyson: "No!" Me: "Are you a big girl?" Addyson: "No, I am a kid!"

  • Me: "Addy...lets go clean your room, I will help you." Addyson: "No, you can do it."

Even as I sit here and type this I am giggling pretty hard....I swear she is growing up right before our eyes...and it makes us sad. She recently counted to 10 all on her own...and today she had 6 pennies, put 3 on the table and looked at me and said, "I have 3 more pennies" Without even looking down at what she had! Adam and I are in BIG trouble with this one!


Adam, Rachel, Addyson & Annslie

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Responsibility of Being a Parent

When I was pregnant with Addyson, I was under no grand illusions that being a parent was all fun and games. I knew that with the birth of my baby came GREAT responsibility. I had a human life that I was now responsible for. Her emotional and physical well being were now of utmost priority. I think so many people become parents and believe that all they are required to do is feed and love this child. It wasn't until recently that I began to realize the FULL extent of the responsibilities of being a parent.

When H1N1 first made its appearance, I laughed about how the media likes to scare Americans. After wasn't in the US...why should we really care? We weren't planning any trips to any foreign countries (although I wish we were!) we were safe. However, as time progressed...and the instances of H1N1 became greater and greater....I began to wonder...SHOULD I VACCINATE MY DAUGHTER?! It was something Adam and I struggled with...going back and forth between yes and no. We researched, we asked our pediatrician, we went over all the what ifs...and ultimately...we decided against getting her vaccinated. Adam and I try to not pump a ton of unnatural substances into our little girls we definitely weren't going to risk her health with a vaccination that had been rushed to market. To this day I don't regret my decision.

However, Adam and I have just multiplied our responsibilities by 2! Annslie is due for her 2 month shots very soon...and after reading some studies...I am beginning to wonder if I should vaccinate her according to the recommended schedule. We struggled with these same decisions when Addyson was a baby...and ultimately chose to vaccinate her. Why in the world do I have qualms again? I 2 1/2 year old is happy, healthy, well why would I have any reason to believe it could go any differently this time?

I guess ultimately it has something to do with the fact that these are my precious babies...I worry about their future...even though they are only 2 1/2 and 8 weeks. I wonder if the things we give them now will cause harm later. Ultimately...I will be held accountable for what happens to them. They don't get to make this decision for themselves (as I am sure if Addy had a say she would say NO WAY MOMMA!)...and thats a huge responsibility to take!

The only comfort I can take is that the Lord knows what is best for my children...and all I can do is pray for the answers. Its so funny that as a parent you sometimes really AREN'T in control of them...but rather God should be! Yet another life lesson for myself in parenting!

Adam, Rachel, Addyson & Annslie

Monday, February 22, 2010

Breaking the Habit

I must admit...I have some horrible habits. I bite my finger nails, I sometimes leave my dirty socks in the middle of the bathroom floor, etc. However, the one habit that I have decided I am going to break is my unhealthy lifestyle. You see...I am a smoker and a VERY unhealthy eater! I have been working on the healthy eating...and have definitely noticed a difference in my energy level and over all feeling. I normally get sick VERY easily...and have a hard time not moving from one illness to the next. In the past 8 weeks...aside from feeling exhausted...I have felt better than ever...and I am guessing that has something to do with my decision to begin to eat healthy.

I am about to begin the "quitting smoking" process. For those of you who have never been smokers...let me tell you...there is definitely a PROCESS! There are relapses...withdrawals...etc. I have attempted at quitting many times in my life...without much success. Smoking is my one "stress relievers". I am approaching this with MUCH fear...smoking is almost like a security blanket for me. HOWEVER...I have found something that keeps my hands busy...and relieves a ton of stress...making hairbows for my girls!

I am excited and nervous. I want to get healthy for my girls. I want to be the best mom both inside and out that I can be for them. I am starting on a journey to overall health...physical, spiritual and mental. :) Come along for the ride!