I must admit...some of the words that come from my mouth really have NO use in the English language. I could put some sailors to shame when I am angry...and since having Addyson...Adam has had to constantly remind me to watch my mouth. (I say this with quite a bit of embarrassment). Well...nothing will catch your attention quite like hearing your 2 1/2 year old daughter repeat some of those "choice" words. Its sort of hard to explain to your little girl that she can't say those things...and that mommy shouldn't be saying them either!
Then again...some times you can't help but roll on the floor laughing at the things that come out of your kids mouth! Here is a couple examples just heard in the past couple days.
- "Cow eats our money when we buy milk" (lol...she knows milk comes from cows...and I told her the other day that milk is getting really expensive)
- Me: "Are you a baby?" Addyson: "No!" Me: "Are you a big girl?" Addyson: "No, I am a kid!"
- Me: "Addy...lets go clean your room, I will help you." Addyson: "No, you can do it."
Even as I sit here and type this I am giggling pretty hard....I swear she is growing up right before our eyes...and it makes us sad. She recently counted to 10 all on her own...and today she had 6 pennies, put 3 on the table and looked at me and said, "I have 3 more pennies" Without even looking down at what she had! Adam and I are in BIG trouble with this one!
Adam, Rachel, Addyson & Annslie