Trust me...I have lots of pictures of the labor process...and some of the immediately after delivery. Although...I am not a big fan of the pictures of the labor (I do NOT look happy! No epidural=ugly mama!) I actually like the pictures that immediately followed her birth. However, I have been informed by
a few people on facebook that they thought my post birth pictures were "inappropriate". Not really sure WHY...because I am covered and there is nothing indecent about them. However, I am choosing to not post those pictures here...and just post pics of Miss Annslie!
Hope you all enjoy them! We have since LOST our I am most likely going to be a bit behind.
Well, once again I have let this slide, but with VERY good reason!
Annslie Faith arrived on January 6, 2010 at 10:24 am. She weighed 6lbs 7.7 oz and was 18 in long. All in all the labor was very quick. I was admitted to the labor and delivery ward at 5:30 am and had her about 5 hours later. In all actuality, I was in labor the entire evening before. Starting in around 11pm. Adam jokes that he feels bad, because we timed my contractions at around 11, and they were only 5-6 minutes apart. So I told him to go to was probably another "false alarm". By around 2am they were becoming very intense, and at 4:45 when I timed them they were every 1-2 minutes. the hospital we went.
They really aren't joking that you will know when its real labor! Having now experienced that...I won't have any questions in the future!
Even with all the false alarms that we had (there was one on the 4th of January too!) we were surprised that she actually came as early as she did. She was about 3 weeks early. However, she was very healthy...and we only stayed in the hospital overnight and then came on home.
My mom flew in on the 12th and was able to spend 2 weeks with us! It was really nice having her here...and I am sad she had to leave. Unfortunately she didn't make it in time for the birth...but she was a BIG help while she was here. It would be an understatement to say she was in heaven holding a newborn all day! LOL
Addyson is adjusting fairly well to being a big sister. She is quite jealous of Annslie when Daddy is holding her...but other than that...doing pretty well. She is definitely pushing some boundaries, but we expected that would probably happen!
All in all the family is doing GREAT! Its hard to believe that we are the parents of 2 little girls....and sometimes we just look at each other and ask, "can you believe we have 2 now?" Its been an adjustment...but we are looking forward to what this next phase will bring. Now...if I can only convince my husband that we need one more! LOL
Well...its time for an update! I had a doctors appointment on Wednesday and I am happy to announce that Annslie Faith Jones will be joining our family sometime in the next week and a half! I don't have the exact induction date (Will be getting that on the 6th) but it looks like sometime the week of the 11th!
What a blessing it is! My doctor decided that my evident misery is not good for either of us, and instead of inducing me at 39 weeks...he plans on inducing at 38. Not only am I SO happy to see an end in sight, but it also works out wonderfully for my mom. There was a small chance that I would (and still could) deliver before she was able to make it up here. Also, she really needed to get back to San Antonio a few days before the 1st of February to prepare for her new job. This way she can spend a bit more time with us! Also, Adam starts classes on the 11th...and originally, my induction date was going to be after he had already been in class for a week. Luckily, the first week of classes are really about getting acquainted with the professor, etc., and so therefore missing classes is not a huge deal.
As much as I whine and complain about the perils of pregnancy...I still feel SO blessed to be gifted another beautiful baby. It truly is just that...a gift. Although being a parent is NO cake walk...I learn on a daily basis from my child. The main thing I am being taught is patience...which will no doubt be tried when I have 2 children under the age of 3! :)
I hope this New Year brings nothing but abundant blessings to each and every one of you. I know the Jones family cannot wait to see what is in store!
I will update more later when I find out more details...but I just wanted to share the amazing news with anyone who actually reads this! I think I actually do this more for my benefit! LOL!
We are a fun loving family of 4. Adam is a fulltime student at OSU (GO POKES!) I am blessed to be able to work from home and be with my gorgeous girls, Addyson Grace and Annslie Faith!