Sunday, September 20, 2009

Getting Ready!

I am officially 22 weeks! :) I am getting more and more excited about meeting our precious baby Annslie Faith!

Our crib and changing table came in...and we picked them up today! I am so excited to get the spare room cleared out so I can get in their and paint our accent wall and get started on setting up the nursery! Leave it to me though to not only have that project to tackle...but ALSO I have decided to paint Addyson's room. We are living in a rental home...and originally thought that we would only be here a couple of years (until Adam graduated)...but it is becoming increasingly evident that we may actually be here another 2 years after he graduates (4 more years!) so that he can get his MBA.

When I was pregnant with Addyson I was TERRIFIED at the thought of having a girl. Don't get me wrong...I love all things girly...but I am NOT a big pink fan. HAHA...little did I know that would change VERY quickly after having a little girl. I am still not huge on decorating with pink though. LOL. So...we are painting an accent wall in Addyson's room pale yellow...and then putting up these VERY cute wall decals that match her bedding that we just bought her. Her bedding came in about a week ago...and its the first time that she had a FULLY matching bedset (since upgrading to the toddler bed!) Her cute little set even has a top sheet...which in all honesty is quite pointless when you have a 2 year old who is all over everywhere at night! In Annslie's room we are painting an accent wall a very very pale dove gray. When I looked for her bedding I wanted something that was different...with a minimal amount of pink in it! I also knew I didn't want to spend over $150 and I wanted to have something that almost looked vintagey...I spent months looking (even before knowing what we were having) and FINALLY found it the week before we were able to announce that we were having a girl. AND...I got a great deal....13 piece bedroom set for $89! WOW! Now...the only thing left to do is buy her wall letters and decorate well as buy the ribbon and clothes pins and decorate those. Ribbon and clothes pins you ask? I found the cutest idea online! You get a thick ribbon and decorate your clothes pins. Attach both sides of the ribbon to where you want them (think clothes line) and then attach pictures to the clothes pins. You can instantly change as she grows! I may change it up a bit...but I LOVE LOVE the basic idea.

I will post pictures as soon as we get in there....believe me I am ready...just wish that the next 2 weekends weren't already planned out!

We are all so ready to meet Miss Annslie! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Irritable Much? I don't mean my moods, although I have been slightly moody. (hehe)

Today my doctor informed me that he is pretty sure that my contractions are due to "irritable uteri". Which basically means...My uterus contracts in a non-distinguishable pattern that doesn't produce any noticeable changes to my cervix. Plus side? The likelihood of it causing preterm labor is only 10%. Negatives? Have to take it easy...and basically just deal with the painful contractions. My doctor told me that IF I were to go into labor now...the chances of our precious Annslie staying with next to zero. NOT AN OPTION! So...despite my stubbornness...I am going to heed his advice...and go on modified bedrest for 1 week. Basically this means that I can get up, go to the shower, go to the restroom, get myself a drink, etc. However, it also means...NO heavy cleaning, no lifting, etc. Okay...I can handle that for one week. I have bronchitis...which is causing severe coughing...which in turn causes my "irritable uteri" to contract. We are hoping that once the bronchitis is cleared up...that the contractions will subside! After one week...I am supposed to just "listen to my body." If I start having contractions...I need to rest...and put my feet up.

The other thing my doctor and I discussed was whether or not Adam and I should even THINK about a 3rd baby. The doctor assured me that he doesn't think it will do anything negative to me or the baby...but he did remind me that the older I get...the harder pregnancy will be...and since I already have difficult pregnancies, I should keep this in mind. He said he definitely does NOT recommend getting pregnant over 30. This was not an issue for Adam or I as I had already made the decision to NOT get pregnant over 30 for various reasons. Adam and I are going to be doing a lot of thinking as to whether or not we will even attempt a 3rd we will see!

So here we go for a second time! I am bound and determined to let Annslie continue to grow! :) Wish me luck! With a 2 year old...and a full time student for a husband it should be interesting!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stopping for Rest

I am 21 weeks and 3 days along...and it is getting harder and harder to get things done these days. Everytime I start cleaning, etc...I find myself doubled over with contractions within an hour or so. Then...for the next 12-24 hours I am forced to take a "time out".

There is just SO much to do...and I feel really guilty when 8 o' clock comes, Addyson is in bed...and the only thing I accomplished that day was straightening up the living room. I know just being with my daughter and taking care of her is enough...but on the days she is in school...I find myself overwhelmed with all their is to get done.

My best friend gave birth 6 weeks early...and it sort of put things in perspective. However, it never really hit me until I started getting bigger. I guess once you can physically tell you are makes a difference? I am having to FORCE myself to say..."It can wait."

I am so blessed to have a husband who is as helpful as he is. However, his school schedule is VERY demanding this semester...and he can't do it all. When he does start in on doing things around the house...I feel guilty. I feel as though I should be doing it! He reminds me that I need to be resting so that Annslie comes at the right time and healthy. However, I still beat myself up.

All these things combined with hormones sometimes get me down. I am trying to remind myself that in the grand scheme of doesn't really matter, and in due time I will be back up and running...and HOPEFULLY able to handle 2 kids and the house. A million other women in this world do KNOW its possible!

In should all know...I am on the couch...resting. :) By order of my husband...and a few select friends!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Annslie Faith Jones

I am excited to announce that we have decided that we will FOR SURE be naming our little one...Annslie Faith Jones. My mother suggested the spelling...and we both LOVED it!

As each day goes by, I find myself longing more and more to hold this precious baby. With every kick, punch or wiggle...I can't wait to see her cute little face. I find myself wondering if she will look like Addyson. The excitement that comes along with baby #2 is just as huge as the excitement that comes along with #1.

I also find myself worrying about whether or not I will be able to mother 2 children. Will I have enough love to give? Time? Patience? I know these fears are completely natural and also completely unfounded...but I still find myself worrying about such silliness. I often find myself worrying the most about patience. It is something I have to work on on a daily basis. I guess I will just have to work even harder!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Addyson's 1st Day at Early Preschool!

Well, this morning was an emotional one in the Jones Household! Today...I sent my baby girl off for her first day of Early Preschool. To be fair, Early Preschool is a daycare program with a heavy emphasis on education. There is LOTS of playing too...but everything is centered around learning.

We decided to put Addyson in daycare for 2 days a week so she could gain socialization skills with kids her own age...AND to give her a chance to have 2 days a week where she can get out of the house and do something fun! It wasn't an easy decision for me...although I do have to admit that being 20 weeks pregnant and having two days a week to get stuff done without toting around a 2 year old was sort of intriguing. HAHA.

When I woke up this morning I was chatting with my little girl...and I thought I would share how the conversation went. Hope you guys get as big of a kick out of it as Adam and I did.

Me: "Addy, do you want to go to school today or stay home with mommy?"
Addy: "I big girl now, I go to school. Its ok, mommy" as she pats me on the shoulder.
Me: "Ok, well I will miss you today! But, you are going to have SO much fun playing with the other kids!"
Addy: "I wub you momma"

We then proceeded to go about getting her dressed for school...and she decided that SHE was going to pick out her clothes...She did very well I might add...She decided to wear her OSU jersey, jeans and her sneakers. (I was QUITE impressed). Then she helped me pack up her Dora backpack...and asked me to give her a "piggy". (pigtails) As I was doing her hair she kept impatiently kept asking me if she "go bye bye now"...and then waited by the door for her Daddy to "huwwy".

I walked the two loves of my life out to the car...and Addyson gave me a big sloppy kiss and said, "See later!" (As I am tearing up) Adam called me 20 minutes later letting me know that when she got there she ran into her classroom, turned around...gave him a hug...and then was gone! Good to know that she isn't shy! :)

Needless to say I am lost with all the quiet today! Its been 3 hours since she left and I have gotten just about everything on my to-do list I guess I will go ahead and rest as the doctor has ordered.

I can't imagine sending her off to school 5 days a week! I think it might kill me!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Well, we all know that I start many projects...only to abandon them shortly after. However, lately, I have found SO much on my mind...and so many people to update with what is going on in our little family!

I figured I would go ahead and start blog #1 with a rundown of how everyone is doing around here...

Addyson is officially two! And....with turning two comes all the joys of the "terrible twos". Um...did I say joys? Our little munchkin is QUITE stubborn, incredibly intelligent, and very VERY determined. Sometimes I find myself at the end of the day wondering if I can really take on tomorrow. But...then again...I am certainly not the FIRST mother to feel this way! In all honesty, she is a joy to be around. She is learning so much...and sometimes I find myself in shock over the things she says. She will be going to Early Preschool twice a week starting this week. Mainly for her to be able to play with other kiddos, but also so that she has something fun for HER. I am sure she will LOVE it!

Adam is entering into his last 2 years of school. He is taking 15 credit hours...and finished 6 this summer. He is really buckling down and trying to finish that we can get on with our lives. His grades have been stellar since he went back...and I am so proud of him for juggling family life, jobs, etc and school. Top that off with a good case of ADHD...and you could have a recipe for he is really excelling. He is majoring in Marketing...and I must say...I think its a perfect fit for him. He is loving his marketing classes...and talks non-stop about them. So...I am happy he seems to have found his "calling." I am so ready to see where life takes us once he graduates...he is so incredibly talented...I am sure that life will be full of amazing opportunities for him!

I am officially 1/2 way through my pregnancy! Thank the LORD is all I can say! We found out a week ago that we are going to be blessed with another little girl! :) I am excited! We are leaning towards the name Ansley Faith. However, who knows! That could change. I am so ready to meet this little girl...and with every kick...I find myself wishing for January to get here more quickly. For now though...I am trying to enjoy the one on one time I have with my firstborn baby, Addyson. This pregnancy has been alot more difficult than with Addyson...but hey...she is a healthy little one...and thats all we can ask for right?

Well, I am off of here to attend to my motherly duties...I will make sure and stay on task with this project...Hopefully...I can!